Game Design

Unpub 3 update – Mill City wins

I found out today that Mill City won the Unpub 3 micro-game design contest. It was fun to spin up a game in 2 weeks with limited resources. All games submitted were awesome. Now let’s see if I can expand the game. Read more at Bryan’s Fischer’s blog.

Unpub 3 – On the Crab update

My experience at the recent Unpub 3 event in Delaware was AWESOME! I got to meet a lot of people – designers and publishers. I wasn’t completely prepared for the event with my demo of On the Crab and Mill City, but it was still awesome. I got to play a lot of great games…

Future casting of B&C

So I am trying to organize my time with gaming and life. Life seems like it is going to calm down a bit. In addition, I am really moving on OTC reworking. I need to be careful that I don’t over think it though. Also, trying to learn the business a bit more. Figure I…