Idea for a PnP – Bomb Technician

So I just got an idea for a PnP micro game. Not sure if has been done before. I know I have seen one aspect of the game done in Space Cadets and Go Away Monster.

Here goes Bomb Technician. This micro game is a solo game where the player is a bomb tech called to defuse a bomb. The player comes with his trusty bag of tools and the nerve to take on the challenge. The bomb is represented by a deck of cards. The cards depict components of the bomb that require a specific tool or tools to remove. The player shuffles the deck, sets the All Clear card randomly in the bottom 1/3 and has at it. The kitchen timer is set for 1 minute and the first card is flipped. The player reaches into the bag blindly and looks for the matching tool(s) to discard the component. If the tool doesn’t match it is returned and the player reattempts the selection process. If the tool(s) match, the component is discarded, tool(s) replaced in the bag, and the next component is revealed. Play continues until time runs out or the all clear card is reached. The game can be played in coop mode where the tools are split between player bags.

As the quote says… If you see me running, keep up… I am a Bomb Technician.

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