Play test OTC v9.2 with Richmond Crowd

OTC v9.2 was play tested down in Richmond with Nathan, John, Bryan, and Justin. The game went well. However, John really took it on the chin with the storms, ice pack, and crab kill losses. However, the winner only won by $4.

So recommendations:
– I modified the max card draw, but did not realize that the max was also tied into other places. Need to fix that.
– Storm value is fine, but need to improve odds and shape. Weather is getting there.
– Pumps are broken. Need to scatter Crab Kill to the second level and then pumps.
– SoC is fiddly. Need to smooth it out. May fast forward token or something.
– lower CKCs, lower end cards. No one is fishing it. In fact raise red more to entice players.
– bait needs tweaking 1/3 for perm or 1 free set action
– maybe 21 instead of 24… Then 9 and 12?

It was brought up to get rid of cards, and go to chits. Just came from that path, and don’t think I can. The next step would be with tokens on the board if I can figure out multipliers.

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