Play test of OTC v9.3

Adeel and I played OTC v9.3. This version is an attempt to reduce the number of cards and also the amount of math in the game. Unfortunately, it does increase the number of cardboard components, which hopefully is not too costly. In addition, I reduced the number of rounds from 24 down to 21. The game was great. Although, I was having bad luck with the storms. However, I was able to squeak out a win. Adeel forgot that it was 3 rounds short, and probably could have gone back for the win. Overall, I think the game went smoothly. I think the storms were great. Although, I want to work on the randomness a bit so that they are not popping out at the same location each round. The new player board was awesome. In addition, I think the new crab field tokens will work out, even though there is more to set up in the game. I could get rid of the cards altogether, but that might make the set up a bit hairier… something to think about. The crab kill, was slightly ineffective, but I think I have a cure for that one. The board was a bit vast for two players and am thinking about that as well. Other than that, the game was pretty cool. Thanks Adeel!

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